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Tools Introduction Class

Tools Introduction Class


Popularity : 16373

Open End Wrench

Open End Wrench_1900

Use in small spaces.
  1. Function:

    For Assembling and disassembling all outer hex screw bolts and nuts.

  2. Usage:

    Assembly factories and automobile and locomotive repairing.

  3. Feature:

    30 degrees of using space, and double ended can provide two specifications in one wrench, which can reduce the weight and the total amount of the tools.

Box End Wrench

Straight Offset Box End Wrench_19C0

45° Offset Ring Wrench_1960

75° Offset Ring Wrench_1970

Half Moon Ring Wrench_1950

  1. Function:

    The ring at the end can tightly match the outer hex screw bolts and nuts.

  2. Usage:

    Assembly factories and automobile and locomotive repairing.

  3. Feature:

    The issue of inconvenience is often occurred when using wrenches due to the working environments, spaces or the position of the machines that need to be repaired. Hence, to increase the accessibility and convenience, wrenches are designed with multiple angles that allow users to accomplish diversity jobs.

Combination Wrench

Standard Type - 1062 1061 1060 5060 1063 1067
Jumbo Type - 1071 5071
Stubby Type - 10D0

Combination Wrench_1060


Jumbo Type Combination Wrench_1071


Stubby Combination Wrench_10D0

  1. Function:

    For assembling and disassembling all outer hex screw bolts and nuts.

  2. Usage:

    Assembly factories and automobile and locomotive repairing.

  3. Feature:

    The combination wrench combines the functions of open end wrench and box end wrench, and is the most popular tool in the market.

Adjustable Wrench

Adjustable Wrench_3611H

Ratcheting Adjustable Wrench_3631

  1. Function:

    For outer hex screw nuts that used on industrial machines, automobiles and locomotives.

  2. Usage:

    Household, assembly factories and automobile and locomotive repairing.

  3. Feature:

    The end of the wrench can be adjusted in order to match a variety of specifications of different screw bolts and nuts.

Actuation of the ratcheting adjustable wrench.

Actuation of the ratcheting adjustable wrench.

Speed Wrench

Reversible Speed Wrench_3732M

Open-side Speed Wrench_3721M

  1. Function:

    Combine ratchet structure with general wrench, which allow the wrench to speed up the process of tightening or loosening the screw bolts and nuts.

  2. Usage:

    Assembly factories and automobile and locomotive repairing.

  3. Feature:

    Can tighten and loosen the screws with a small move, therefore it is surprisingly suitable for narrow spaces.
    Two types of design are provided, which are single direction and double direction. When operating the opposite direction, the single direction speed wrench need to be flip over to the other side. On the other hand, change the switch to the other side to operate the opposite direction of the double direction speed wrench.
    The functions of the speed wrench are exactly the same as ratchet wrench, yet it is lighter and more convenient.

Single directionSingle direction

Double directionDouble direction

Introduction of Open-side Speed Wrench

Introduction of Open-side Speed Wrench


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