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Tools Introduction Class

Tools Introduction Class

Hammer Introduction

Popularity : 885

Rubber Hammer -
The Series of 7848

The series are used for tires, laying basalt floors and processing other metal sheet materials that can’t be damaged or harmed. Rubber hammers are normally seen in construction industries and vehicle repairing and maintaining businesses.

Rubber Hammer_7848-60

Production Code Head Weight
7848-60 523 g
7848-80 821 g

Hammer (American style) -
The Series of 7811

A spherical surface is designed on the back of the round head. Not only the work of hammering center bores and metal sheets can be easily done, but also the needs of different precisions and the requirements of diverse applied forces can be met accurately.

Hammer (American style)_7811-08

Production Code Head Weight
7811-08 245 g
7811-12 370 g
7811-16 485 g
7811-24 765 g
7811-32 925 g
7811-40 1125 g

Engineer’s Hammer -
The Series of 7823

The flat side of the hammer can handle nails or flat surfaces without difficulty. On the other hand, the sharp side is more suitable for dealing with car sheet metals.

Engineer’s Hammer_7823-10

Production Code Head Weight
7823-10 1000 g
7823-15 1500 g
7823-20 2000 g

Lump Hammer -
The Series of 7833

The series is designed with bigger hammer head and larger beating area, which makes them capable of hammering nails and drills of masonry architectures, or cutting gigantic rocks open.

Lump Hammer_7833-10

Production Code Head Weight
7833-10 1000 g
7833-12 1250 g
7833-15 1500 g
7833-20 2000 g

Dead Blow Hammer -
The Series of 7851

Anti-seismic design greatly decreases the rebounding force while hammering. Compare to normal hammers, the surface or the working objects will be less harmed and the striking force will be distributed in average on the hammer side.

Dead Blow Hammer_7851-08

Production Code Head Weight
7851-08 227 g
7851-16 454 g
7851-24 680 g
7851-32 907 g
7851-40 1134 g
7851-48 1361 g
7851-64 1814 g

Fiberglass Claw Hammer -
The Series of 7861

Fiberglass Claw Hammer – The Series of 7861 Two curved claws are designed on the back of the hammer head, which makes nail pulling become an easy job for carpenters. Generally used in carpentries and woodworking industries.

Fiberglass Claw Hammer_7861-16

Production Code Head Weight
7861-08 225 g
7861-16 450 g
7861-20 565 g
7861-24 680 g

Soft Face Hammer -
The Series of 7842

The soft material (Polyurethane) is really efficient in shock absorbing that can greatly even the stress and force of the hammering area. The hammer is designed for soft sheet metals and suitable for precision industries. It is noticeably that the changeable hammer head can be displace into other suitable hammer head (softer or harder), according to users’ requirements.

Soft Face Hammer_7842-22

Production Code Size of The Hammer Face
7842-22 22mm
7842-28 28mm
7842-35 38mm
7842-45 45mm
7842-60 60mm

Spare Faces For Item 7842 -
The Series of 915

The changeable faces are made from Polyurethane and is the accessories of The Series of 7842, which allows the soft face hammer to be suitable for different kinds of working environments.

A: Indicates the width of the hammer face.

H: Hard hammer face / S: Soft hammer face.

Spare Faces For Item 7842_915 Series

Production Code Size of The Hammer Face
91522H/S 22mm
91528H/S 28mm
91538H/S 38mm
91545H/S 45mm
91560H/S 60mm


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