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Tools Operation and Application Class

Tools Operation and Application Class

Gear Puller

Popularity : 26022


7962 7962B 7963

For dismantling objects with central axis and grab items with average force.

Two Jaw Gear Puller Three Jaw Gear Puller

Two Jaw Gear Puller-7962

Three Jaw Gear Puller-7963

Parts Description

 Parts Description


  2 Jaw 3 Jaw  
Size Capacity Capacity Jaw Length
3 2t 3t 60mm
 4 4t 6t 70mm
6 6t 9t 120mm
8 10t 15t 175mm
12 15t 22t 215mm
Three Jaw Gear Puller
Size Spread (A) Reach (B)
3 40mm~75mm 45mm
4 50mm~100mm 55mm
6 70mm~150mm 95mm
8 95mm~200mm 135mm
12 140mm~300mm 170mm
Two Jaw Gear Puller




  1. The die thimble should be placed at the center of the object, otherwise the surface will be scratched and the item will be hard to remove.

  2. Use a three jaw gear puller as much as possible if available in order to apply average gripping force on the object.

  3. Force should be applied gradually when pulling up the object. Do not use pneumatic wrenches on the screw rod to speed up the process!

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Correct Operation Incorrect Operation


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