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Tools Introduction Class

Tools Introduction Class

Crimping Tools Introduction

Popularity : 928

We will be introducing Crimping Tools today. Initially, different types of connectors and terminals will be listed below, then four kinds of crimping tool will be described afterwards.

Modular Plugs Insulated Terminals Non-Insulated Terminals Open Barrel Terminals

6P Modular Plugs8P Modular Plugs

Insulated Terminal (yellow)Insulated Terminal (blue)Insulated Terminal (red)

Non-Insulated Terminal (silver) Non-Insulated Terminal (silver SCG1)Non-Insulated Terminal (silver huge)

Open Barrel Terminal (gold)Open Barrel Terminal (silver)

Insulated Core-end Terminals Dupont Terminals BNC Connectors F Connectors

Insulated Core-end Terminal (brown)Insulated Core-end Terminal (green)

Dupont Terminal

BNC Connector (male)BNC Connector (female)

F Connector

Modular Crimping Tool

For cutting, stripping and crimping.


Modular Crimping Tool_67F1-08

Interchangeable Ratchet Crimping Tool

Suitable for open barrel terminals, insulated terminals, non-insulated terminals and Dupont terminals.


7 PC. Interchangeable Ratchet Crimping Tool Set_42107GX

Multifunctional Crimping Tools

Suitable for open barrel terminals, insulated terminals, non-insulated terminals.


Crimping Tools_6721

Please note that the function of screw cutting is only suitable for screws that didn’t process through heat treatment before, such as galvanized iron screws.

Insulated crimping part

Insulated crimping part: Insulated terminals should be crimped in this area in order to avoid the damage of the insulated sheath.

Operating notifications:

  1. Be aware of the direction of the force applying end.
  2. Slightly clamp the terminal with the crimping tool, then thread the wire through it.
  3. The cable sheath should also be crimped after the crimping process, therefore, remember to keep a mind on the length of the stripped cable.
  4. Being cautious when completing the work can reduce the debug time and accidental circumstances.

Ratchet Crimping Tool

Suitable for hexagon coaxial F connectors, BNC connector plugs and lucent connectors.


Ratchet Crimping Tool_67G

Ratchet Crimping Tool_67G using


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