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Tools Feature & Advantage Introduction Class

Tools Feature & Advantage Introduction Class

1950 Series Half Moon Ring Wrenches

Popularity : 24341


  1. Goal: For bolts and nuts dismantlement that require crossing obstacles.

  2. Applicable Environment: Mainly be used in automobiles repairing while assembling and disassembling the bolts and nuts of the starters, inlet and exhausts manifold, carburetors and so on.

  3. Feature: The angular design is able to cross the obstacles while operating installment and dismantlement.

  4. Specifications

    8 x 10 10 x 12 11 x 13 12 x 14
    13 x 15 14 x 17 16 x 18 17 x 19
    19 x 22



Dodges the obstacles to accomplish the mission.

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